Brian D. Suttie | Chalfont
Telephone: 01494 762338



Below are some useful videos and information to demonstrate the importance of regular eye examinations and keeping your eyes safe.


Contact lens Handling – Insertion and removal

Demonstrating the process of presbyopia (when you have to hold reading material further away).

Blephademodex Patient Instruction Video


All leaflets are in PDF format, click on the title to download.

Astigmatism and Soft Contact Lenses
Astigmatism is an eye condition that causes blurred vision

Blepharitis is an ocular condition characterized by chronic inflammation of the eyelids.

A cataract is opacification of the crystalline lens.

Eyesight in Children
Regular eye examinations are important for your child's healthcare and personal development.

Flashes and Floaters
Flashes and floaters are usually the ocular symptoms of a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).

Hyperopia (Long-Sightedness) in Children
Long-sightedness affects almost a quarter of the population.

Looking out for your Eyes
As we age so do our eyes so it’s important that we do everything possible to make sure our optical health is in tip top condition!

UV Protection for your Eyes
Most people realise the need to protect their skin from sunlight but it is just as important to protect the eyes.



14 Nightingales Corner, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire HP7 9PZ
Telephone: 01494 762338    E-mail:

Copyright © 2022 Brian D. Suttie | Chalfont